Time For Tea in Lovech, Bulgaria


Two groups of young people were selected from the Foreign Language School, Lovech, Bulgaria

  • Group 1- 23 students (age 17-18)
  • Group 2 -26 students (age 18-19)


In the facilities of the Foreign Language School.

When? And what?

6th November 2017 – meeting with the Principal and teachers from the School to present the project and discuss opportunities to deliver Time For Tea workshops in the school. An agreement was reached that the American teacher Ms. Emily Paxon will support the process and the workshops will be done in English

8th November 2017 – working meeting with Ms. Emily Paxon to coordinate and prepare the workshops.

14th November 2017 – First workshop with the group 1

16th November 2017 – First workshop with group 2

Structure of the workshop:

  • Introduction – Presentation of the T4T project. The idea, the initiators and actions.
  • Brainstorming of the issues young people have
  • Voting by marking the “4 most wanted” issues that relate to them
  • Working in groups by topics to:
    • Discuss the issue in depth
    • Formulate the message (first draft)
    • Who could be the receiver of the message?
  • Presentation of the message to the group

Brainstorm results (Group 1):

  • Smoking in the school area
  • Drugs
  • Lack of technologies in school
  • Insufficient number of classrooms/ cabinets/ labs
  • Homeless*
  • Stray dogs and cats in the neighborhood of the school
  • Judging appearances
  • Insufficient sport facilities, opportunities to do sports*
  • Smartphone usage regulation at school
  • Angry people*
  • Lack of motivation for carrier development
  • Bulgarian young families don’t have enough kids
  • Corruption in the Bulgarian institutions (including school)*

Brainstorm results (Group 2):

  • Students – teachers relations
  • Social media addiction
  • Pressure for success*
  • Early choice for carrier (profession) and the parent involvement in the process*
  • Stereotypes and labelling
  • Pressure & Stress & Competition among young people
  • Stress in our school (both students and teachers)*
  • Economic independence of young people
  • Drugs and alcohol addiction
  • Lack of time management skills*
  • Life skills (how to be an adult)
  • Too much complaining and no actions

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Ralitsa Popova

Knowledge Association